The Fight-or-Flight-or-Freeze response is not good for our game, and it is not even appropriate in golf. You may have seen a golfer where anxiety caused a bad shot which led to anger and then to Fight-or-Flight-or-Freeze response or simply anger.
The Fight-or-Flight response gives you a kick of adrenaline and energy and it closes down your senses, making every nerve and muscle dedicated to Fight-or-Flight.
Fight-or-Flight response is good when faced with real danger where a life is at stake but hang on, we are playing golf. This is not about life-and-death. Moreover, Fight-or-Flight removes your ability to collect data, which is essential in golf, as mentioned in the chapter above. It also gets you very far away from being calm and collected. Furthermore, it is a very unpleasant distraction for your fellow golfers and for that reason not accepted or respected at the golf course.

Additionally, it takes time to get back again. 20 – 60 minutes according to More importantly, it is not easy to get back when anger knocked the door and you let it in. Hard work is needed to come back and calm down again, but it is possible if you use the right techniques.
Best thing, however, is to stop the anger before it develops. When frustration knocks the door, do not let it in. You can do that by staying positive. The chapter “Why you must stay positive. The Starting Point” tells you how and why. An important point is that the further you get away from your best state of mind for golfing the harder it is to get back again.