6.4.3. EPC (TM) 

Exquisite Performance Coaching (EPCTM) is a coaching model which was developed by Dr. Joseph Riggio in 2005, an experienced coach and trainer. EPCTM focuses on promoting a deeper understanding of human behaviour and performance to optimize results on a personal and professional level.

EPCTM goes beyond traditional coaching by integrating various principles from NLP. What makes EPCTM unique is its focus on creating “exceptional performance,” which means achieving results at an exceptional level that goes beyond the average or expected. The model aims to bring clients to a place where they can perform at their highest potential and achieve their goals in an extraordinary way. You can read about the model on pages 329 to 340 in the book Do what you do best, volume 2, written by Henrik Wenøe and Jeseph Riggio. The book is also available in Danish.

Here are some key elements of Exquisite Performance Coaching:

Firstly, the person being coached is in an environment with a set of data that only exists right now. The moment the employee takes a step towards the goal, the employee will get more data. In other words, you collect data on the way to the goal and you don’t have all the data from the start. It’s like when you’re driving and your goal is to arrive at a friend’s house 100 kilometres away. When driving at night, you can only see the first few hundred metres illuminated by the headlights, which is enough to drive and navigate the first few miles. Then the next few hundred metres are illuminated. This continues until you reach your destination. EPCTM works in the same way.

That is, the employee is in an environment with a set of data that only exists right now and changes as the employee moves forward towards the destination.

Initially, we want the employee to decide on a goal that is beyond their immediate grasp. Of course, you could simply say.

I know it’s lunchtime.

I want lunch.

I expect lunch.

I will have lunch.

Here, lunch is within the employee’s grasp and therefore easy to expect and easy to get. Our job is to get the employee to decide on a goal that is beyond their immediate grasp. We do this by asking the employee to wish for an outcome that means a lot and makes them happy and super satisfied. Then we ask the employee to tell us their expectation. Now we have an expectation and a wish.

Now we need the expectation and wish to be exactly the same. It must be the same wording in words and it must be the same wording non-verbally. This means that eye access, smile, hand gestures, breathing and posture must be the same when the employee expresses their wish and their expectation. This is done by asking questions about the wish and expectation until there is a collapse.

In this way, we have made the employee expect something that is greater than what is immediately available.

The reason is that we can relatively easily want something that is outside our comfort zone, but we can’t expect it. This technique ensures that we expect something that, through our desire, is far outside our comfort zone.

Furthermore, we almost always get what we expect, but what we want is less likely to happen. Therefore, we need to make the wish our expectation. That way, we expect what we want, and therefore we are more likely to get what we want.

T.O.T.E. stands for test, operate, test execute. This means that we test if the desire and expectation are the same, if not, we run the two questions. Then we test again, if not, we run the two questions again. Then we test again, and if both verbal and non-verbal responses are the same, we can execute.

The next step in this model is to process. Here we ask the employee to tell us about their first step towards the big goal. This step should be so small and easy that it will definitely happen. It should also be in place for the next time you meet. After this interim goal is in place, more information and data has already been gathered. The environment has changed and there is more information for the next step. This creates a feedback loop called knowledge, skills, experience. After more experience has been gathered, we have more knowledge and better skills. Then we can make a decision on the next step based on higher and better decision-making skills.

One important thing to consider when making decisions is the consequences of your actions. The consequences can be both positive and negative. The important thing is to balance them against each other. It’s important that the goal remains positive, even when considering the negative consequences. Negative consequences can be time with less time for your partner, children, friends, sports and many other things. You need to be aware of this when making your decision.

All in all, EPCTM starts with finding the big goal. Then you find the first goal and enter a feedback loop where you are constantly getting more information and data every time you take a step towards your goal.

6.5 Enthusiasm: Commitment, motivation and competences make the difference
Within the framework of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), enthusiasm becomes a cornerstone for personal transformation and happiness. It is more than just a superficial feeling of joy; it represents a deep, inner zeal for life. In NLP, enthusiasm becomes a consciously chosen approach that not only colours our approach to daily life, but also guides our actions and decisions in a meaningful way.

NLP recognises enthusiasm as a powerful inner strength. Discovering and cultivating this passion becomes not just a motivational factor; it becomes a driving force that propels a person towards achieving their goals and experiencing a deeper satisfaction with life. In NLP, enthusiasm is not a random state; it is an active decision to embrace life’s challenges with positive energy.

At the heart of NLP is also a focus on transforming negative thought patterns into positive ones. Enthusiasm thrives in an atmosphere of positivity, and NLP practitioners learn to identify and consciously change these thought patterns. This goes beyond simply “thinking positively” – it’s about arousing a deep and lasting enthusiasm for the goals we strive for.

NLP’s use of techniques such as anchor patterns illustrates how enthusiasm can be associated with specific situations. By establishing mental anchors, it becomes possible to activate this positive state on command. The use of language and visualisation in NLP is an additional support to enhance enthusiasm. Choosing positive language and visualising successful outcomes creates a deeper connection to the inner zeal.

NLP practitioners take enthusiasm out of theory and into practice. Integrating enthusiasm as a conscious practice in daily life involves the choice to focus on the positive, find joy in small moments and actively pursue passions that ignite enthusiasm. This becomes not just a random feeling; it becomes a chosen state of conscious positive energy.

The benefits of enthusiasm in NLP extend beyond the surface. Increased energy and productivity become a natural consequence, as enthusiasm acts as a sustainable energy source. Mental wellbeing is also significantly improved, as an enthusiastic approach to life correlates with a more positive mindset. In addition, enthusiasm strengthens self-discipline as it creates an intrinsic motivation to pursue goals and tasks.

In conclusion, enthusiasm in NLP is emphasised as more than just an emotion; it is a deeply rooted lifestyle. Through conscious choices and the application of NLP techniques, practitioners can cultivate and enhance enthusiasm as an enduring source of joy in life. The inner strength that enthusiasm brings becomes not only a motivational factor; it becomes a powerful tool to navigate through life’s challenges with positivity and energy.