Present State + is an essential part of the Satisfaction Cycle® in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). It refers to the current positive experience or resource that a person or organisation already has, which serves as a valuable starting point for identifying and setting new goals.

In the Satisfaction Cycle®, we begin by recognising and exploring the positive experience or resource that already exists. This could be a successful achievement, a previous satisfying experience or a competency that the person or organisation already possesses.

To fully embed Present State + and reinforce the positive experience, we use visual, auditory and kinaesthetic anchors. Visual anchors can be images or symbols that represent the positive experience. Auditory anchors can be sounds or words associated with the feeling of success. Kinesthetic anchors can be physical movements or touches that reinforce the positive state.

When we use anchors in conjunction with Present State +, we anchor the positive state in the mind and body of the person or organisation. This makes it possible to recall and draw on this positive resource when challenges arise or when setting new goals.

By diving into the Present State+ and reinforcing it with visual, auditory and kinaesthetic anchors, we gain a better understanding of what works well and how these successes can be transferred to other areas of life or work. It also allows us to recall the resources and strengths that the person or organisation has already demonstrated, which can be used as a foundation to achieve even greater successes.

Present State + is not only an obvious factor, but also an important aspect of NLP coaching and therapy. It helps to create a positive and inspiring atmosphere where the client feels motivated to explore and expand their potential.

By recognising and reinforcing Present State+ with visual, auditory and kinaesthetic anchors, we can achieve powerful change and create a positive impact on personal and professional development. It allows us to utilise already existing strengths, resources and competencies to achieve new and ambitious goals and ensure a more fulfilling and successful journey ahead. DS+
Desired State + is a central part of the Satisfaction Cycle® in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). It refers to the desired future goal or state that a person or organisation strives to achieve.

In the Satisfaction Cycle®, it’s important to clarify and specify the desired outcome in as much detail as possible. We use visual, auditory and kinesthetic anchors to reinforce and anchor the desired goal in the mind of the person or organisation.

Visual anchors can be images or symbols that represent the desired outcome. Auditory anchors can be sounds or words that are linked to the feeling of achieving the goal. Kinesthetic anchors can be physical movements or touches that reinforce the positive state when the goal is achieved.

By working with Desired State + and reinforcing it with anchors, we create a strong motivation and direction for the person or organisation. The Desired State + becomes a clear picture of what needs to be achieved and how it will feel to be there.

When the Desired State+ is clearly defined and anchored with anchors, it can be used as a powerful driver to take concrete steps towards the goal. It acts as a goal management mechanism and guides decision-making and actions to move towards the desired outcome.

It’s also important to note that the Desired State+ can evolve and change over time. NLP recognises that goals can be adjusted or expanded as the person or organisation moves through their journey towards success.

By working with Desired State + and reinforcing it with visual, auditory and kinaesthetic anchors, NLP provides a powerful framework for achieving success and fulfilment. It allows you to turn intention into action and turn dreams into reality. With clarity, motivation and focus, Desired State + becomes a crucial factor in creating the desired future and achieving deeply satisfying results. Solution experience
“Solution Experience is a crucial part of the Satisfaction Cycle® in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). It refers to the process in which a person or organisation imagines being in a desired goal or state and explores the positive experiences and representations associated with that state.

In the Satisfaction Cycle®, we begin by identifying the desired goal, also known as the Desired State or DS. Once the Desired State is clearly defined, the Solution Experience enters the picture as a way to reinforce and anchor the goal.

During the Solution Experience process, the person or organisation is asked to imagine having reached the Desired State. They are encouraged to explore what it will look like, how it will feel and what it will sound like when they have achieved their desired goal. It’s about creating a vivid and compelling mental image of success.

This involves using visual, auditory and kinaesthetic representations and anchors. Visual images help create a vivid mental film of being in the desired goal. Auditory representations are linked to the positive sounds and words associated with the success. Kinesthetic representations are the emotions and physical experiences that are present when the Desired State is reached.

By exploring the Solution Experience, the Desired State is anchored deep in consciousness, making the goal easier to achieve as it feels more real and attainable. It also helps to strengthen motivation as the person or organisation experiences the positive consequences of achieving the Desired State.

NLP’s Solution Experience provides a powerful method for working with achieving goals and creating positive change. It is a tool to create a strong connection between the current state and the desired goal and make the journey towards success more engaging and satisfying. By visualising and exploring success in advance, it becomes easier to take the necessary steps to reach the goal and create the desired future.

6.2.4 Anchoring
In NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), anchors play an essential role in creating and activating desired mental and emotional states. Anchors can be defined as connections between a specific stimulus (such as a sound, word, gesture or mental representation) and a state (emotion, behaviour or thought). They are used to create a connection between a specific stimulus and the desired state and can help us elicit desired resources or change unwanted reactions.

To achieve rapport, it is helpful to be aware of the following principles and techniques:

  • Establishing anchors: We choose a specific stimulus, such as a sound, a touch or a mental representation, and associate it with the desired state. Repeated repetitions and pairings of stimulus and state help to establish a strong anchor.
  • Anchor context: The context in which the anchor is established and activated affects its effectiveness. A state of focus, attention and engagement can enhance the anchor’s effect.
  • Anchor location: The location of the anchor on the body or in space can affect its effectiveness. We choose a location that feels natural and meaningful to us.
  • Anchoring techniques: We can adjust the intensity of the stimulus, vary the timing of the anchor and repeat the activation of the anchor to amplify its effect.
  • Activating anchors: Once the anchor is established, it is activated to induce the desired state. We expose ourselves to the anchor stimulus and are aware of the state associated with the anchor.
  • Changing and reorganising anchors: Unwanted anchors can be changed or reorganised. This can be done by changing the stimulus or association of the anchor to a new state.

Anchors are a powerful tool for managing and changing our mental and emotional states. By learning how to establish and activate anchors, we can gain greater control over our reactions and achieve desired resources and results.

It’s important to note that using anchors requires practice and awareness. Working with a qualified NLP practitioner or trainer can help us learn how to use anchors effectively and maximise their potential.

Anchors are a powerful tool in NLP for activating desired mental and emotional states. By understanding and applying the principles behind anchors, we can increase our ability to control our reactions and achieve desired outcomes. Through practice and awareness, we can develop our skills in establishing and activating anchors and use them as a resource in our personal and professional development.