6.7 Evaluation: Evaluate with positive feedback

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) unfolds as a complex and nuanced approach to personal development, and assessment is a key component of this dynamic process. In this exploration of assessment in NLP, we dive deeper into how this approach is not just about assessing behaviour, but also about creating a conscious and purposeful path towards personal growth.

Evaluation in NLP is more than just a one-off action; it is a continuous, self-reflective practice that extends beyond the immediate and involves analysing both actions and thoughts. This constant inspection of one’s own internal and external universe provides a solid foundation for an in-depth understanding of how one’s behaviour affects interactions and outcomes.

Within NLP, practitioners are encouraged to regularly immerse themselves in a self-reflective process. This includes examining how one responds to different situations, identifying repetitive patterns and assessing whether one’s behaviour is aligned with personal goals and values. This conscious effort of self-awareness not only creates clarity about one’s own actions, but also opens up a deeper connection with one’s core values.

Feedback and calibration are additional aspects of evaluation in NLP. It’s not only about evaluating yourself, but also about understanding and responding to the reactions of others. This inbuilt feedback mechanism helps to fine-tune communication and improve interpersonal relationships. Through awareness of how one’s words and actions affect others, NLP practitioners become adept at creating harmonious connections.

Purposeful evaluation is a fundamental pillar of NLP. It involves not just evaluating for the sake of evaluation, but setting concrete goals for personal and professional development. The goal-orientated approach turns evaluation into a guideline that guides the practitioner towards desired outcomes and creates a sense of direction and purpose.

In practice, NLP practitioners integrate evaluation as a natural part of their daily life. This systematic self-reflection and conscious observation of interactions with others creates a solid foundation for personal growth. By using the evaluation process as a tool for constant improvement, NLP becomes a living practice rather than just a collection of techniques.

NLP’s approach to evaluation goes beyond the traditional model. The use of anchor patterns and metamodelling are essential tools in NLP that make evaluation not only a passive practice, but also an active and dynamic process. Anchor patterns create mental reference points through which behaviours and states can be evaluated and changed, while the metamodel provides an in-depth language analysis, leading to clarity and precision in communication.

Benefits of assessment in NLP extend across multiple levels. The continuous evaluation creates a culture of continuous improvement where practitioners strive to optimise their behavioural patterns. At the same time, evaluation facilitates deeper awareness and self-awareness as the practitioner discovers the underlying motivations behind their actions.

Relational skilfulness is an additional benefit gained through assessment in NLP. By evaluating feedback and calibrating reactions, the practitioner becomes better at understanding others and building more meaningful relationships. This results in an increased capacity to understand and fulfil the needs and desires of others.

All in all, evaluation is an integral part of NLP. Evaluation is not just a tool; it is at the core of a dynamic process that facilitates personal growth and improves the ability to effectively navigate through life’s complexities. NLP’s approach to assessment not only creates self-aware practitioners, but also a community mentality based on continuous learning and development

6.7.1 Reframing
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) has in reframing a key component that expands our understanding of how we can reshape our perception of the world and thus change our behaviour and response to challenges. This subtle yet powerful approach in NLP involves not only seeing the world differently, but changing the very context of our experiences.

Reframing in NLP is a delicate art that involves redefining limiting perceptions into more beneficial perspectives. A deeper understanding of this process requires an exploration of NLP’s rich repertoire of techniques. Six-step reframing, a complex technique, goes beyond simply changing behaviour and involves subtly influencing the subconscious mind to create deep and lasting transformations.

Time frame reframing opens a portal to past events and redefines them as key points in our personal growth. This shift in time perspective releases us from the shackles of the past and allows us to see even the most challenging situations as learning opportunities rather than obstacles.

Context reframing goes beyond the immediate image and understanding of an event by changing the surrounding context. It means recognising that our perception is shaped not only by the event itself, but also by the surrounding elements, giving us the power to change the meaning of our experiences.

Positive Intention Reframing invites us to explore the deeper layers of our behaviour by understanding the positive intentions behind even the most undesirable actions. This frees us from judging our own or others’ behaviour and opens the door to meeting those intentions in more beneficial ways.

In practice, NLP reframing means more than just changing the mindset; it involves a constant awareness of our perspectives and a willingness to challenge and transform them. Imagine a typical work situation that usually triggers stress. Through NLP reframing, you can begin to see this situation as a complex network of opportunities to develop new skills, improve communication and strengthen relationships.

Benefits of NLP reframing manifest on multiple levels. Increased flexibility means not only adapting to change, but embracing it as a catalyst for personal growth. Enhanced self-control goes beyond simply avoiding negative emotional reactions; it involves a deeper understanding of our own emotions and the ability to channel them constructively.

Coping strategies are enhanced through NLP reframing as we discover new ways of dealing with challenges that not only solve immediate problems, but also improve our ability to navigate through the complexities of life. Overall, NLP reframing is a dynamic journey into the complex landscape of our thoughts and perceptions, opening the doors to a deeper understanding of ourselves and the world around us.

Take a look at the illustration in chapter 7. Perspective. See what happens if you simply change your temporal and negative perspective to looking at positive goals in the future. It gives you a completely different attitude towards the task in front of you. Suddenly you can see a solution, and once you see the solution, it won’t be long before you see the path to the solution.

6.7.2 Modelling
Modelling is a remarkable approach in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) that allows us to learn from the best and improve our own abilities and performance by emulating successful people. Through modelling, we identify the repeating patterns and strategies that expert individuals use to achieve their success.

When we want to learn something new or improve our skills in a certain area, we can choose someone who is already an expert in that area and study their behaviour, thoughts and approach. By observing them closely and interviewing them about their approach, we can understand the key elements that make them so skilful.

A great story about modelling in NLP is about a successful entrepreneur named Martin who wanted to improve his ability to network and build business relationships. He decided to use modelling to learn from a skilled networker in his industry.

Martin identified a reputable business leader named Sarah as his expert model. He observed Sarah during various networking events and interviewed her about her approach to building relationships and business connections.

Martin noted that Sarah was exceptionally skilled at actively listening to others and showing genuine interest in their stories and needs. She was also an excellent conversationalist, asking relevant questions and sharing valuable insights and knowledge.

By analysing and identifying the patterns in Sarah’s networking techniques, Martin began to integrate them into his own approach. He practised active listening and became more aware of engaging in meaningful conversations with others.

As a result of his dedicated efforts, Martin gradually became better at building authentic relationships and creating valuable business connections. He saw an increase in his business growth and became a respected networker in his industry.

This story illustrates how modelling in NLP can help a person learn from an expert and improve their own performance by integrating successful strategies and behaviours. Modelling is a powerful approach that allows us to step into the shoes of those who have already achieved success, accelerating our own growth and development.