Appendix – Course – The Excellent Middle Manager

The Outstanding Middle Manager course is an intensive 24-hour course. The course is designed to teach participants NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) strategies that they can use to become excellent middle managers. The course is customisable and can either be split into 12 sessions of two hours each, or structured over 3 days with 8 hours of training per day, two weekends or 6 sessions of 4 hours each.

The course focuses on strengthening the participant’s leadership skills by utilising NLP strategies. NLP is an approach that explores how language and communication affect our behaviour and thought patterns. By utilising these strategies, participants will learn how to communicate more effectively with their team, gain greater influence and motivational skills, and deal with conflicts and challenges in a constructive way.

During the course, participants will be introduced to a wide range of NLP techniques and tools, including:

  • Sproglig præcision: Lær at bruge sprog på en klar og præcis måde for at undgå misforståelser og skabe en tydelig kommunikation.
  • Indflydelse og overtalelse: Opdag strategier til at påvirke andre og opnå samarbejde ved at forstå og bruge sprog og kommunikationselementer på en måde, der appellerer til forskellige typer mennesker.
  • Empati og forståelse: Udvikl dine evner til at lytte og forstå dine medarbejdere, og lær at anvende dette til at skabe bedre relationer og styrke teamsamarbejdet.
  • Konflikthåndtering: Lær teknikker til at identificere og håndtere konflikter på en konstruktiv måde ved hjælp af effektiv kommunikation og problemopløsning.
  • Motivation og coaching: Opnå færdigheder i at motivere og coache dine medarbejdere ved hjælp af NLP-strategier, der tager hensyn til individuelle behov og præferencer.

The course will consist of a combination of theoretical lectures, practical exercises, discussions and case studies. Participants will have the opportunity to apply and practise the strategies learnt through various tasks and simulations relevant to their role as middle managers.

Our experienced trainers will be available to guide participants throughout the course and answer any questions they may have.

The Excellent Middle Manager course is designed to give participants a solid understanding of NLP strategies and help them become more effective middle managers. The structural flexibility of the course ensures that participants can find a plan that best suits their schedule and preferences.

The Excellent Middle Manager DFM.1.1: 2 hours: 8 sessions of 15 minutes per session.

  1. Exercise: PS+/Good Condition.
  2. Exercise: What do you want?
  3. Conversation: What do you want?
  4. Exercise: DS+/GDS with anchor.
  5. Exercise: DS+/GDS with five anchors.
  6. Feedback.
  7. Exercise: Swish five times.
  8. Round-up and homework, SMARTER.

The Excellent Middle Manager DFM.1.2: 2 hours: 8 sessions of 15 minutes per session.

  1. Exercise: DS+/GDS with five anchors.
  2. Exercise: Swish five times with five anchors.
  3. Feedback: Regarding homework.
  4. Guided: HAWKEYE.
  5. Exercise: Conversation about the experience.
  6. Exercise: Make your own HAWKEYE.
  7. Exercise: Conversation about the experience.
  8. Round-up and homework, SMARTER.

The Excellent Middle Manager DFM.1.3: 2 hours: 8 sessions of 15 minutes per session.

  1. Exercise: DS/GDS and Swish with five anchors.
  2. Feedback: Regarding homework.
  3. Guided: HAWKEYE.
  4. Feedback. Conversation about the experience
  5. Exercise: VAK on GDS.
  6. Feedback: Conversation about the experience.
  7. Exercise: VAK on Switch.
  8. Rounding off and homework, SMARTER.

The Excellent Middle Manager DFM.2.1: 2 hours: 8 sessions of 15 minutes per session.

  1. Exercise: DS/GDS & Swish with five anchors.
  2. Feedback: Regarding homework.
  3. Lecture: The starting point. Green vs. red memory.
  4. Exercise: Go from red to green in the conversation.
  5. Feedback.
  6. Exercise: Beliefs
  7. Feedback:
  8. Rounding up and homework, SMARTER.

The Excellent Middle Manager DFM.2.2: 2 hours: 8 sessions of 15 minutes per session.

  1. Exercise: DS+/GDS and Swish with five anchors.
  2. Feedback: Regarding homework.
  3. Exercise: Beliefs.
  4. Feedback.
  5. Exercise: Satisfaction Circle®, solution experience
  6. Exercise: Satisfaction Circle®, solution experience
  7. Feedback:
  8. Recap and homework, SMARTER.

The Excellent Middle Manager DFM.2.3: 2 hours: 8 sessions of 15 minutes per session.

  1. Exercise: DS/GDS and Swish with five anchors.
  2. Feedback: Regarding homework.
  3. Exercise: Report
  4. Feedback.
  5. Exercise: Satisfaction Circle®
  6. Feedback.
  7. Exercise: SMARTEP, long-term goals, sub-goal 1, sub-goal 2 and first steps.
  8. Rounding off and homework, SMARTER.

The Excellent Middle Manager DFM.3.1: 2 hours: 8 sessions of 15 minutes per session.

  1. Exercise: DS/GDS and Swish with five anchors.
  2. Feedback: Regarding homework.
  3. Exercise: Metaprograms
  4. Exercise: Metaprograms
  5. Feedback.
  6. Exercise: Metaprogrammes with Satisfaction Cycle®.
  7. Feedback.
  8. Summarisation and homework, SMARTER.

The Excellent Middle Manager DFM.3.2: 2 hours: 8 sessions of 15 minutes per session.

  1. Exercise: DS/GDS and Swish with five anchors.
  2. Feedback: Regarding homework.
  3. Exercise: Laugh and use your sense of humour.
  4. Feedback.
  5. Exercise: Own option.
  6. Feedback.
  7. Exercise: Own option.
  8. Wrap-up and homework, SMARTER.

The Excellent Middle Manager DFM.3.3: 2 hours: 8 sessions of 15 minutes per session.

  1. Exercise: DS/GDS and Swish with five anchors.
  2. Feedback: Regarding homework.
  3. Discussion: Beliefs and consequences.
  4. Exercise: VAK in words
  5. Feedback.
  6. Exercise: VAK in words
  7. Feedback.
  8. Round-up and homework, SMARTER.

The Excellent Middle Manager DFM.4.1: 2 hours: 8 sessions of 15 minutes per session.

  1. Exercise: DS/GDS and Swish with five anchors.
  2. Feedback: Regarding homework.
  3. Discussion: Beliefs and consequences.
  4. Exercise: Modelling. HAWKEYE
  5. Exercise: Modelling.
  6. Exercise: Modelling.
  7. Exercise: Own option based on the modelling.
  8. Rounding off and homework, SMARTER.

The Excellent Middle Manager DFM.4.2: 2 hours: 8 sessions of 15 minutes per session.

  1. Exercise: DS/GDS and Swish with five anchors.
  2. Feedback: Regarding homework.
  3. Discussion: Beliefs and consequences.
  4. Exercise: SMARTEP, far future, sub-goal 1, sub-goal 2 and first steps.
  5. Exercise: SMARTEP, far future, sub-goal 1, sub-goal 2 and first step.
  6. Feedback.
  7. Exercise: Own option.
  8. Summarisation and homework, SMARTER.

The Excellent Middle Manager DFM.4.3: 2 hours: 8 sessions of 15 minutes per session.

  1. Exercise: DS/GDS and Swish with five anchors.
  2. Feedback: Regarding homework.
  3. Conversation: Beliefs and consequences.
  4. Exercise: Own option.
  5. Feedback.
  6. Exercise: Own option.
  7. Exercise: Own option.
  8. Rounding up and future work.